Temukan Inspirasi Tingkatkan Literasi

Temukan koleksi buku kami, dari fiksi memikat hingga riset mendalam, dan jadilah bagian dari perjalanan literasi bersama Ibrahimy Press.

Tentang Ibrahimy Press

Ibrahimy Press, founded in 2017, is a leading independent open-access academic press that publishes peer-reviewed monographs, journals, textbooks, critical translations, and more. We are a non-profit social enterprise based in Indonesia and run by academics who are committed to making high-quality research available to every reader. All our books are available to read free of charge in open-access formats (PDF, HTML, and XML), as well as high-quality paperbacks hardbacks, and affordable ebooks. We do not charge our authors to publish with us and they retain full copyright of their work.

We are an influential member of a growing international network of publishers, scholars, librarians, and infrastructure providers who believe that it is time for academic book publishing to become fairer, faster, and more accessible. Together with our colleagues across the world, we are building communities and infrastructure to create a future in which knowledge is shared openly. Explore our values and our work by using the menu on the left-hand side of the screen, or go to Information for New Authors to find out more about publishing with us.

Ibrahimy Press also deals with the editorial phase of book creation. This phase involves utilizing a large staff of editors, artists, copyeditors, writers, and other members to change and alter the book to the chief executive editor’s and the author’s preferences. The amount of editing that takes place, as well as the different levels of editing, depends on how large the book publisher is. Larger publishers may undergo several rounds of editing before the book is finally released, and there is more of a lengthy process involved. The more clout an author has, the less the editor can alter the book.

Finally, the Ibrahimy Press will produce and distribute the book. The production process is the process of physically creating the book. This process may be accomplished using onsite facilities, or the publisher may go to a third-party production company to fulfill this need. The book is then wrapped and shipped to a variety of bookstores where it is displayed to the public. The publisher usually has negotiated some kind of deal with the bookstore to get their books displayed.


A leading publisher of quality scientific products that are easy to use for all users.


Our mission is to lead and serve the independent publishing community through Islamic education, future education, and tools for success.


Bagaimana Cara Mengirimkan Naskah ke Penerbit IbrahimyPress ?

IbrahimyPress menerima naskah dalam bentuk softcopy (file) maupun Hardcopy (print out). Naskah yang dikirim dalam bentuk hardcopy harus dikirim dalam amplop coklat ke alamat: Jl. K.H.R Syamsul Arifin, Sukorejo Sumberejo Banyuputih Situbondo Jawa Timur 68374, Indonesia. Whatsapp: +62 822-4499-5150.

Sedangkan naskah yang dikirim dalam bentuk softcopy dikirim ke email admin_publisher@ibrahimy.ac.id dengan Subject : Naskah_*Judul Buku*_*Nama.Penulis*_(*Nama Penerjemah*).

Untuk pengiriman naskah dalam bentuk softcopy maupun hardcopy, naskah harus di kirimkan seluruhannya dan lampirkan Surat pengantar (cover leter) dan Riwayat hidup singkat (cv).

Seluruh naskah yang di serahkan akan dinilai terlebih dahulu dalam rapat redaksi. Lama penilaian memakan waktu maksimal 3 bulan. Hasilnya akan diinformasikan oleh tim redaksi kami via email ataupun whatsapp.

Konfirmasi atau pertanyaan terkait naskah, dapat menghubungi Redaksi melalui nomor Whatsapp +62 822-4499-5150. Jam kerja pukul 08.00 – 16.00 (istirahat pukul 12.00 – 13.00).

NOTE: Bahan naskah yang dikirimkan ke Redaksi tidak dapat dikembalikan.

Standar Naskah

  • 1. Naskah harus karya Original.
  • 2. Isi naskah harus sejalan dengan visi dan misi Pustaka Al-Kautsar.
  • 3. Naskah belum pernah diterbitkan di penerbit lain.
  • 4. Naskah Ilmiah dan bisa dipertanggungjawabkan.
  • 5. Naskah ditulis dengan rapi, logis dan sistematis.
  • 6. Menarik dan ada hal-hal baru yang bisa dijual kepada masyarakat.
  • 7. Menggunakan referensi yang jelas.
  • 8. Menyertakan daftar isi dan sinopsis.
  • 9. Tulisan untuh dan padu (bukan kumpulan tulisan).
  • 10. Sistematika penulisan yang runtut dengan pembagian bab dan judul yang teratur. (Bermetode penulisan yang sistematis)
  • 11. Menyebutkan sumber dan footnote jika ada kutipan.
  • 12. Memakai bahasa yang komunikatif dan mudah dipahami.
  • 13. Naskah harus lengkap, tidak boleh berupa sample isi.
  • 14. dan melampirkan surat pengantar (cover letter) dan riwayat hidup singkat (curriculum vitae).
  • 15. Naskah di tulis di kertas ukuran A4
  • 16. Font menggunakan "Times New Roman"
  • 17. Ukuran font 12pt

Katalog Buku Ibrahimy Press

Eksplorasi Pilihan Kami

Kurikulum Pendidikan Islam: Kajian Interdisipliner

Taufiqur Rahman (Editor)


Kami di IbrahimyPress siap membantu Anda! Tim kami akan dengan senang hati membantu Anda dengan segala kebutuhan penerbitan dan informasi lainnya.

Alamat Kantor

Jl. KHR. Syamsul Arifin, Sukorejo Banyuputih Situbondo Jawa Timur Indonesia.

Email dan Nomor Telepon

Email: admin_publisher@ibrahimy.ac.id

Telepon: +62 822-4499-5150

Jam Operasional: Senin - Jumat, 08.00 - 16.00 WIB